Stephen Williams

20 Years experience wating for You.

Stephen G. Williams is the Team Leader/Broker Owner of Century 21 Olympian. He competed in the 1984 Winter Olympic Games, in Sarajevo and won the Silver medal in the 1985 World Professional Championships, in Jaca Spain. He competed in International competitions for Great Britain from 1978 to 1985.

Stephen conducts his business on a daily basis with the lessons he gained from competing at the highest levels at Olympic, World and international competitions. He expects all his team members to conduct themselves with Excellence, Service and Integrity. We offer all of our client's superior service. We give you a written guarantee. No gimmicks just straight talk to achieve your goals.

Houston, TX
Información del mercado inmobiliario
Descripción general del mercado
Viviendas propias: 391,829
Viviendas alquiladas: 503,670
Precio medio de la vivienda: $361,231

Mis propiedades

Buscar todas mis propiedades

Oficina regional de Houston

6060 Richmond Avenue, Suites 100 & 170
Houston TX 77057

Áreas de cobertura

If you are looking to Buy or Sell I can bring a professional service to you for Residential or Commercial. I am familiar with most Houston and Metro areas in 77000 to 77599 areas.

I can take you from the start of the transaction to the close of the transaction. Communication is one of my strengths.

Datos de la población | Houston, TX

Mediana edad: 35.2
Casados: 37.8%
Hogares: 895,499

Descripción general

Población por sexo
50% Masculino
50% Femenino

Tipos de ocupación
98,687 Vacante
391,829 Propio
503,670 Alquilado


Empleos profesionales y administrativos/manuales y técnicos
71% Profesionales y administrativos
29% Manuales y técnicos

Transporte al trabajo
83% En auto
4% En medio de transporte público
4% A pie/En bicicleta/Otro
9% Trabaja en casa